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Thursday, April 12, 2007

I listened to the new Ark album today for the first time. Expect me to go on and on about it for the next few weeks, but my internet access is a bit limited as I'm travelling in Sweden. Still, a whopper of a review is on its way shortly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you had a chance to listen to it. It really is back to the first-album style overall and there's several really strong tracks. My favorite is probably the title track which has everything (gospel intro, Franz Ferdinand ragged disco rock main body and a very cool Men At Work/Hall and Oats-style sax to round it out)...but the two "musical" numbers duo (9 and 10 are killer too). Unlike many releases that pick wrong, 'Decorum' is definitely a great choice for 1st single.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Chrille said...

I hope you have a good time here in Sweden! Buy Sahara Hotnight's new album "What If Leaving Is A Loving Thing". It's all kinds of ace and I ASSURE you'll love it! I know I do.

Chris xx

9:06 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

Alas, Sahara Hotnights (and Laakso) both come out two days after I leave! Bad timing!!

And, ScottM... I just added a rather lengthy review of the Ark. Needless to say, I'm in heaven.

11:28 AM  

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