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Monday, June 04, 2007

Unklejam - What Am I Fighting For?

"This must be love, oh what am I fighting for?"

UK radio is about a million times better than American radio. One of the reasons is, instead of picking about five songs and playing them to death for the entire year, things move fast in the UK and new bands are always just around the corner. Unklejam is one such new band, and they are amazing. Think Gnarls Barkley but a little less rap and a heap more craziness. What Am I Fighting For?, the group's second single, is set to become (with any luck) a summer smash. And, it is perfectly suited for the job. A hybrid of dance, electro, pop, and soul, this is the kind of radio friendly music that's not afraid to take a bit of a risk. I'm eagerly anticipating their full length debut.

Unklejam - What Am I Fighting For? (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here)


Anonymous Cuthbert said...

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Anonymous Benedick said...

The chap is completely right, and there's no skepticism.
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11:14 AM  

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