2006 - The Blogging Year

2006 brought with it the beginning of #1 Hits From Another Planet, which sorta turned finding cool new music into a job for me more than a hobby. Given this, there was a huge increase in the amount of music I was listening to this year. And, while not as amazing as 2005, there were plenty of winners, including a new wave of stuff from Denmark (which has continued to prove fruitful in 2007 as well). The crown jewel of 2006 was definitely the Delays' You See Colours, simply one of the best pop albums of all time. Scissor Sisters also released a quality (if not as magnificent as their debut) follow-up, which was easily my most anticipated of the year. Enough about 2006, though, get ready for the countdown of top 50 singles and top 20 albums of 2007 starting next week!
Delays - This Town's Religion
Scissor Sisters - The Other Side
The Alpine - Don't Touch The China
Under The Influence Of Giants - Ah Ha

2006 brought with it the beginning of #1 Hits From Another Planet, which sorta turned finding cool new music into a job for me more than a hobby. Given this, there was a huge increase in the amount of music I was listening to this year. And, while not as amazing as 2005, there were plenty of winners, including a new wave of stuff from Denmark (which has continued to prove fruitful in 2007 as well). The crown jewel of 2006 was definitely the Delays' You See Colours, simply one of the best pop albums of all time. Scissor Sisters also released a quality (if not as magnificent as their debut) follow-up, which was easily my most anticipated of the year. Enough about 2006, though, get ready for the countdown of top 50 singles and top 20 albums of 2007 starting next week!
Delays - This Town's Religion
Scissor Sisters - The Other Side
The Alpine - Don't Touch The China
Under The Influence Of Giants - Ah Ha
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