Your Vegas - Troubled Times

I'm all about finding perfect songs, and this year there have been three of them so far. The first was Daggers' Money, followed quickly by Neon Neon's I Told Her On Alderaan, and now to complete the trifecta, I've got Your Vegas's Troubled Times. The melody on this thing is just gorgeous. They seem to be going for the U2 vibe, but (unlike everyone else) I've never been that big on U2 and I find this track to be much better. From the moment that soaring chorus comes in, this track just takes off and everything about it is perfection. The guys have an album coming out later this year and you can buy their three song ep (totally worth it) for only 99 cents at itunes right now!
Your Vegas - Troubled Times (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)
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