Universal Poplab - The Way Things Work

Sweden's Universal Poplab has a new album out (who knew?) and though it's mostly more of the same, it does contain what may be their best song yet. The Way Things Work is slightly more aggressive than most of their output, and it's got that and two other things going for it. First is that amazing, hard hitting beat. Then, to make things better, there's the instantly hummable, unique melody highlighted by some transcendent "no no no" bits. Trust me, you'll love it if you're a fan of great pop music. I'll be surprised if this doesn't become a single in the future. It's already better than the single choices that have been made so far from the album. As much as I like Universal Poplab (and I really, really do) they've always been a second or even third tiered group in my eye. This track opens up a new attitude for them that could potentially raise their game and change my opinion.
Universal Poplab - The Way Things Work (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)
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