Dragonette - Sharp Dressed Man

Music site Buffet Libre is offering a really, really cool mix cd for free download. They've taken tons of current artists from all over the world and asked them to cover some of their favorite 80's hits. Each song is absolutely free and, trust me, you can spend hours on this site listening to them. Today I'm going to post a track by one of the more well-known groups participating in this project: Dragonette. I'll never understand why Dragonette didn't make a bigger splash than they did with their first album, but I'm crossing my fingers that fate has more in store for them when they release their next one. In the meantime, we've got this great (and slightly bizarre) ZZ Top cover to tide us over. It is freaking fantastic.
Dragonette - Sharp Dressed Man (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more 80's covers here.)
sweet blog!- long time 'lurker'. I have a theory but why Dragonette aren't as big as they should be.... I'm Canadian (vancouver) THERE canadian as well, there's absoulutely NO support here for them... e.g. radio, anything... Dragonette shouldn't lied and said they were from Aussie or U.k...
It would be even harder if they were American, I bet. I've heard them once or twice on Canadian radio, but I agree that it's an absolute shame that Canada hasn't been all over them.
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