The Kid - Mayhem Troopers

I am super, super impressed by the second album from Sweden's The Kid. Transient Blood, along with Black Kids' Partie Traumatic, is going to completely soundtrack my summer. It is a masterpiece (a term that Hybris, their label, seems to understand well--they also signed Juvelen). The vocals are like the perfect mash-up between Madonna, Kate Bush, Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper. Now how's that for a recommendation? Their current single, Transient Dance, is quite amazing, but Mayhem Troopers is the ultimate showstopper. When I first heard this neo-disco-stormer I was just blown away. It's like Abba for the twenty-first century mixed with Pat Benatar's Heartbreaker. These guys are absolutely unstoppable.
The Kid - Mayehm Troopers (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)
I fucking love this band. I adore their first album "La Société Nouvelle". So many gems on it like "Fat Glossy Skin" and "The Art Of Noble Jealosy". Their new album is amazing as well.
"Mayhem Troopers" is a cover, by the way.
Cool! I had no idea, actually. I just listened to the original and I've got to say I prefer this one by a gazillion percent. They've made the verses and arrangement so much more interesting.
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