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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

End Of Fashion - Force Of Habit

"Remember when we got caught stealing"

I posted a track by Australia's End Of Fashion last week and deleted somehow. This is the second time that's happened this past month and I'm really confused how a post can just disappear. Anybody know? Seriously, it's sorta freaking me out.
On to today's post, I haven't had a time to truly get into End Of Fashion's new album yet, but I'm compelled to post Force Of Habit. It's not the gigantic dance/pop track that I normally post, but it still floored me the first time I heard it. It's the surging melody, for sure. It's just a good old-fashioned, brilliantly written song. I said it last week too, but this track reminds me even more of Robbie Williams' early work than Fussy did. It's got that chorus-of-thousands Angels feeling to it, though it's obviously not quite that good. Still, I can imagine this being a huge hit worldwide if it had the chance.

End Of Fashion - Force Of Habit (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the first time i heard force of habit i skimmed over and hardly listened to it
but the first time i actually listened to it and the lyrics i was hypnotized by it.
i love the line
'we thought we could have this freedom, all life'
its amazing

2:14 AM  

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