Ima Robot - Stick It To The Man

In honor of the extremely unnerving, pasty white Republican National Convention, I'm going to post an oldish song by Ima Robot today. I've recently rediscovered how amazing their 2006 Monument To The Masses album is, and I was listening to this track last night and thought it drew some parallels to the current election. Forgetting that, though, Stick It To The Man is a fantastic, energetic punk/pop/rock song that actually reminds me of The Ark in tone (though The Ark would obviously do it way better--and this is not a diss on Ima Robot, but you know how I feel about my Swedes). If you forgot to check these guys out last year, give them another look because the album is really quite good.
Ima Robot - Stick It To The Man (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)
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