Britney Spears - Amnesia

I figured that the Britney ship had completely sailed for me. Other than a handful of songs, Blackout was a disappointment and I haven't listened to any of the earlier albums for years. Gimme More, an utter snoozefest and her worst single by a mile, all but nailed the coffin for me. But then I watched the TRL finale and got all nostalgic for the late 90's/early 00's pop boom. Curious, I gave Britney's latest album a listen and although this type of music isn't 100% my thing anymore, I'm pretty darn impressed--especially with the bonus tracks. The best of the bonuses is Amnesia, a Cyndi Lauper-like shuffle that sounds way too good to be Britney. It's one of those songs you flag right away... just so different and catchy than everything else. As with most of Britney's stuff, a different singer would have knocked this into the stratosphere, but at least she's around so that great writers/producers can give her their stuff.
Britney Spears - Amnesia (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here!)
this is one of my favorite's on the new album too! good pick!
I was glued to this song as soon a s i heard it...
3 seconds into the song it sounds a bit camp... then SMAACK! (Chorus)
I'm won over
"As with most of Britney's stuff, a different singer would have knocked this into the stratosphere"
I don't know if I fully agree with that her voice is unique and fits well with the songs kinda like Rihanna. I couldn't imagine Christina doing half of the pop songs Britney has done although I like them both.
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