The Galvatrons - Robots Are Cool

Every chance I get to shower praise on Australian band supreme The Galvatrons, I take. Luckily, they've given me a really good excuse today. They're giving away a new (well, new to some... it's been around in lower quality for awhile) track Robots Are Cool for free! I love this song. It's pretty much the mantra of my 80's childhood. In fact, I was just out shopping yesterday when I ran across a discount set of repainted 80's Transformers and I had a major nostalgia freakout. This is a band that almost seems created just for me. I hope you guys like them, too, though I don't know how anyone could resist this bouncy, fun song.
The Galvatrons - Robots Are Cool (download)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the EP here!)
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