Neo - Bachelor

Total cheese today. If you don't like cheese, look elsewhere. You've been warned.
The always reliable DontStopThePop recommended new Swedish artist Neo a few days back, comparing him to Mika, BWO and even god-of-frontmen Ola Salo. Naturally I had to check him out. While the Salo comparison begins and ends with a few songs that sound a little like his voice, I totally agree that the album is a mash-up between Mika and BWO. Sound good? You bet it is! A few of the songs are a bit too sugary even for my tastes, but there's a lot to love on his debut. The first track to stand out to me (beside the obvious will-be-a-single Flower Power Supergirl) is Bachelor. It's just so... peppy. I love the chorus especially. Beware, though. You'll hear it once and won't be able to lodge it out of your memory.
Neo - Bachelor (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here!)
Awww, thanks for the shout out. Yes, the Ola Salo drawn from glimpses in Neo's vocal delivery that momentarily recall the legendary Ark singer but most of the time it is Mika mashed up with BwO that I taste most of the time. But also a lot of glamNeo. I love the album. Perfect bubblegum poptastic album to warm up the dark cold winter nights.
You can't not feel a bit boppy listening to this on ones mp3 player. Even when the wind hits hard.
I'm liking the album more and more as I listen to it, actually. He could have a major hit in Sweden with Flower Power Supergirl if he chooses to release it. The description of a one-man BWO is spot on.
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