Kate Miller-Heidke - I Like You Better When You're Not Around

One week left until I get into the 2008 year-end lists! But until then I've got five fantastic songs to share. First up is Kate Miller-Heidke. I posted a song from her first album a long while ago, and I'm a little late getting into her second release. Can't Shake It was a great single, though... one of her best songs (and most danceable). Generally, her music is much more quirky. There are bits of Tori Amos, Nellie McKay and Kate Nash ingrained in her unique pop but she's usually more theatrical than any of them (just check out the weird little stomp of Politics In Space!). Enough about other songs, though. Today I'm posting I Like You Better When You're Not Around because, other than Can't Shake It, it's my favorite song on the album. It's so poppy it hurts, plus it's a bit Sparks-ish, which is instantly amazing.
Kate Miller-Heidke - I Like You Better When You're Not Around (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)
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