A Silent Film - You Will Leave A Mark

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes a completely unknown and otherwise forgettable indie band releases a totally epic track. The band is A Silent Film from the UK, who I'm sure you probably haven't heard of. Their album is full of melodic piano pop that didn't really do anything for me, but this track sure did. You know You Will Leave A Mark is going to be great about thirty seconds in, when it really kicks into gear. "Surging" is probably the appropriate word. It's all about the piano and the verses in this one. There's definitely a touch of the 80's here, but it's also very current. In fact, this could have easily fit on Keane's latest. Even the vocals are somewhat similar.
A Silent Film - You Will Leave A Mark (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)
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