Though it's been...ahem...available for a few weeks now, I haven't mentioned anything about Kelly Clarkson's new album yet. She's always been the best American Idol, the only one that's released more than a couple good singles. Her new album's more of a collection of "songs Kelly's label hopes will make them money" than a proper record, but that doesn't mean there aren't some stunning highlights. My favorite track on the album is the most out of character for Clarkson, a gritty rocker that involves just as much shouting as it does singing. Whyyawannabringmedown reminds me of the great disbanded UK group Do Me Bad Things (remember them?). I love when pop singers go crazy like this. It's also the perfect song for one of those itunes commercials where the silhouette people dance all crazy. That's pretty much what the song's designed for. It's about as far away from Idol as you can get.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here.)
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