Miley Cyrus - Permanent December

"I've been all around the world and they just ain't the same"
Yes, I am not too cool to post a track by Miley Cyrus. Fact is, when you're dealing with this kind of lightweight teen pop, the most important ingredients are the songwriters, production and that extra little spark in the vocals. As Disney's reigning teen queen, Cyrus gets the best that radio pop has to offer in terms of songwriting/production. Better yet, her vocals are instantly recognizable (even in the heavily autotuned track I'm posting today). I've always liked the huskiness of her voice. It's a little unexpected. I know that Katy Perry's all but won the summer pop anthem with California Gurls, but I'd nominate Permanent December as a brainlessly fun contender. It's way cheesy, yes, and heavily autotuned. But it's also undeniably catchy with a mammoth sound. The euro-club synths are a welcome change from past singles. In fact, the song would probably be as good without any vocals at all (remember what I said about the importance of production?). Then there's that sunroof-open chorus. A guilty pleasure, for sure, but an excellent one. (and for those mix-tapers out there, it goes perfectly with the Example track I posted on Monday)
Miley Cyrus - Permanent December by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Miley Cyrus
I LOVE this song. It is, as they say, "my jam." There are some other great songs on the album (though there's filler, too), but this--at least for now--is easily the best.
Have you listened to her whole new record?? there is some really good shit on there that i totally wasn't expecting!
i like Permanent December but the" Can't be Tamed RockAngeles remix" or "Liberty Walk" would have to be my fave off the album.
you should check those two out and maybe do a post on them or add them on to this post!
oh yeah, and if you like Euro-Synths, check out "Who owns my heart" .. its my sisters favorite track =)
Will you post a negative comment? This track is unfortunate. It's sad to see overpriced producers that can't be more creative than to mimic Ke$ha, when she already mimics Kylie Minogue. In fact, the beginning notes are even the same.
There's plenty of great writers out there, why can't these 'artists' buy better songs?
Are they really fooling anyone over 12? And the label interns posting comments on this post... are they really fooling anyone?
All that happens when a blog posts an obviously political track is the blog loses all credibility and therefore viewers. The label reps just hit up a new blog and start the process all over again, leaving in their wake a trail of soulless sellout blogs... beware!
PG/Thomas: It's a great track. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. It's actually a consistent mainstream pop album as well, much more than I would have anticipated.
Brizbee: This comment makes me laugh because it's so ridiculous. First off, I've run this blog for nearly five years now with absolutely no (and I mean NO) label input. I'm the only one who's posted, and I write about songs I'm liking at the moment. What would be the point of sharing a song that I hate? I'm in the business of sharing music I think deserves an audience. Yes, it's my opinion... influenced by no one else but ME. I post as much indie stuff as I do mainstream. Calling this blog "political" or "sellout" in any way is a huge insult to me, because that's exactly what I work to avoid.
Also, Poster Girl (commenter #1), happens to be a highly respected pop blogger, not an "intern."
Now, what really annoys ME is these cool indie kids who dismiss mainstream music immediately simply because it's mainstream. I cast my net pretty wide and have a very open mind. A good pop song is a good pop song. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. It's my opinion. Mine. Not a label's. So please don't make blanket accusations without doing your research.
i really like the song - it's fluffy throw away fun and that's totally me. I do think it owes a massive debt to Tik Tok though, i often think it is that tune when it comes on the mp3 player!! There are a number of great tracks that could be singles - I choose Take Me Along as next single and then this near Christmas just because I like songs that aren't really about Christmas but have a tenuous link (see also Melt The Snow, Shayne Ward)...
(PS not a label intern. Far too old, just a fan of fluffy addictive pop!!)
Thanks for the response Nick!
and don't even trip about what @Brizbee said... that fool clearly thinks his cynical little perspective on blogs needs to be preached at every opportunity... lol
but enough about the haters,
did you check out those other MC songs i told you about??
(to refresh your memory: Liberty Walk, Who Owns My Heart, && the Rockangeles remix of "Tamed")
I love the track!! But ROBOT is a bit better! Review that song!
Thanks for your post, quite worthwhile material.
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