Metric - Black Sheep

"The truth is just a rule that you can bend"
I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World this weekend and liked it, although I thought in the end it was an easier film to admire than to enjoy. It was a little all over the place, which worked sometimes and meandered others. The music was mostly fuzzy indie, but this track by Metric stood out to me as the best song I've heard from the band yet. It helps that it was performed by Brie Larson in the movie (one of my favorite actresses right now--if you don't know who she is check out Showtime's United States of Tara, pronto!). Brie's actually a singer, so I'm not sure if they recorded her vocals for the film or if she's just lip-synching. I wasn't paying close enough attention, I guess. Either way, this is as good as indie-pop gets. After an extended intro, it leaps into an industrial synth riff that underpins a sparse, yet powerful, verse. The chorus is an airier, poppier deal, a little bit Cardigans and a little bit The Sounds. It's hard to believe that this was left off of prior albums. It would make a great single.
Metric - Black Sheep by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the soundtrack here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Metric
the movie uses brie larson's vocals. you can watch it on youtube:
this song was originally considered for fantasies (their last album) but i believe it just didnt "fit" with the rest of the tracklisting.
I think I enjoyed the movie more than you did, but I agree that this was the best song in it (by a mile).
Oh - I'm sure you mean that The Sounds sound like Metric, which is what they are going for, to a degree, and with errrrmmm...not much success. Metric is my all time favorite band and this Black Sheep is not a great example of how incredible they are. Check out Old World Underground and Grow Up and Blow Away. I almost wish Id never heard it before so I could be freshly obsessed. So good. So good. So good.
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