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Monday, January 24, 2011

Neon Hitch - Get Over U

"You've taken the best"

It seemed like this track was everywhere on the internet this weekend. People are definitely loving Neon Hitch. I did not love Neon Hitch up to this point, but this song definitely turns me around. Yes, it sounds like a long lost Robyn single (to be specific, the imaginary follow-up to With Every Heartbeat), but given that Robyn is THE popstar of the current era, that is not a bad thing at all. I just love this moody, electropop sound. There's something so stately about a melody like this. I don't know if it will be all that successful (my gut says it won't) and unless Neon Hitch churns out an album like this (please do!), the song's going to forever come across as a bandwagon jumper. So, in summary: EXCELLENT song, but I'm gonna have to wait and see about the artist behind it. (Especially since this track is written by Sia, and not Neon Hitch herself)

Neon Hitch "Get Over You" by PilotCreativeServicesInc

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous gmisk said...

It is catchy as hell.....but the title of it even sounds like a Robyn album track

2:52 AM  
Anonymous viagra online said...

She is really have hot looks.

Smith Alan

10:31 PM  

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