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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Ark - The Apocalypse Is Over

"Give 'em a hell of a show"

I've been enjoying this track for a few days now, but thought I'd post it today because it's the release date for the band's greatest hits. I've already done my Ark tribute earlier this year with my five day Arkeology retrospective, and I'm sure I don't need to blather on again about how they're my favorite band and blah blah blah, so I'll focus specifically on this, their final song, instead. The Apocalypse Is Over is a swan song if ever there was one. It carries a heavy note of finality from the very beginning, documenting the group's rise to fame and offering a self-tribute of sorts. The Ark has always been close to their fans, and many of Ola's best lyrics created self-empowering anthems that were less about him personally than the band's Angelheads (the name given to their most devoted fans). This last song is a celebration of this relationship -- a final rallying cry. The music is suitably anthemic and thunderous, though there's also a hint of melancholy in the verses. It's bittersweet, as it should be. And, judging from the lyrics, it's definitely the end, providing us diehard fans with a needed sense of closure. Make sure you catch them on Melodifestivalen this weekend. I'm not sure what crazy "transformation" they'll make (if you've been watching MF this year, you know what I mean), but I'm hoping they're allowed to play two songs, as many of the interval acts have.

The Apocalypse Is Over by theark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the new album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous ArkArmy said...

Man, this is heavy. If I do end up seeing them play this song live, I think I am gonna cry. Great song to end a show with. Sniff. :-(

8:00 PM  

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