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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunrise Avenue - Hollywood Hills

"I'm gonna miss you wherever I go"

Finnish rock band Sunrise Avenue have always been in striking distance of making music that interests me, but with their new single (and hopefully new album), they've hit the mark dead-on. Hollywood Hills ups the drama, turns up the synths and becomes the exact kind of rock anthem I love. Sound-wise, it's a little Ark-ish, though the vocals sound nothing like Ola. It builds slowly in the first verse until you reach the excellent chorus. Then, after that, it's no holds barred. And pop snobs, don't ignore this just because it's guitar-based. Like The Pusher's recent hit Blinded By The Dark, this has some serious hooks. I'm worried that the album will be a disappointment, but the band has gone for a "new" sound, so hopefully the histrionics of this track aren't just a red herring. Whatever the case, this is their best single by far.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous Talia said...

I like this, but it sounds JUST like the Killers.

3:11 AM  

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