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Monday, May 09, 2011

Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory

"I'm on the edge with you"

It's been a strange pattern with me and Lady Gaga songs this go-round. It seems like, on first listen, I've loved both of the singles released from the upcoming album, then I go through a period where I'm underwhelmed until I see the music videos and I become obsessed again. Time will tell if it'll be the same with this new song, but for now I've gotta say I am pretty impressed. This is the kind of euphoric, synth-dripped anthem that's basically a modern 80's power ballad set to a disco beat song that I thought could only be released by my favorite Swedish singers/bands. To think that she's brought this kind of melodic, giant pop back to the States is highly gratifying. I hope that the album follows suit, because this is the exact kind of music she should be making right now. It's like Born This Way kicked up a notch. I hope this becomes an official single so that we can get a video as dramatic as the song.

Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory by eddylavish

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous ArkArmy said...

I totally love this song. Just wondering how many more #1 hits she can produce on one album. Crazy mastermind.

5:48 PM  

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