The Storm - The Chosen Ones
"We have no fear"
Three years ago, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs released their most recent album. I was obsessed (still am) with lead single Zero and, after hearing the follow-up, I was pumped that they were headed in a new direction musically. Then the album arrived and it became a case of two songs in a new style and everything else the same ol' same ol'. I notice this with a lot of bands. It's really thrilling when an artist chooses to completely reinvent themselves (like Donkeyboy did last week). Well, Denmark's The Storm has done just that with their new album, Rebel Against Yourself. In fact, in a lot of ways it's the album I wish the Yeah Yeah Yeahs would have released. Zero would have fit in perfectly. The Storm has always had a more aggressive sound, but this time it's fused to dance and 80's alt pop. They've already had a couple of huge singles off this release, but most of the album tracks are just as good. The Chosen Ones is a great example. It's pretty much propulsive, gigantic pop music from start to finish. That hook is just massive. (But unfortunately you're going to have to trust me, since no site online will embed the damn thing. For now, enjoy another of the album's tracks below...)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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