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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen - Curiosity

"Look at me, left here in the cold"

Okay, I've written about Carly Rae Jepsen already, and pretty recently too. But, it's really been quite amazing how she's risen for moderately successful Canadian singer-songwriter to global pop superstar in just months. And it's even more amazing (barring the whole Justin Beiber influence) that it's down to the quality of the music and not the level of hype. Call Me Maybe gets more infectious by the day, but the rest of the new EP is also wonderful bubblegum pop. I'm just dying for this melody-driven genre to come back into vogue, and I really feel like it's going to happen. Looking at the US itunes top ten single chart has been quite heartening of late. If Jepsen's going to pluck another single from this release, it should definitely be Curiosity. It's not as hit-you-over-the-head catchy as Call Me Maybe, but it's definitely along the same lines. I love that she's moved to a glossier production style from her earlier coffeehouse-oriented solo work. It really suits her voice, and definitely compliments this track, with its irresistible oh, oh, oh hook.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the EP here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous Gerd said...

couldn't agree more :-)

2:22 PM  

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