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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

G-Dragon - Michi Go

Some things just defy explanation. I'm not a big fan of hip-hop and I don't speak even a bit of Korean, but over the past year, I've been obsessed with K-Pop rapper G-Dragon. As the leader of the band Bigbang, he's responsible for most of their hits and is a ridiculously talented songwriter and producer himself. More than that, though, he's got the kind of charisma and way-out-there style choices that we don't see enough of in male popstars these days. I maintain my thinking that he could be enormous in the West if he decided to pursue an English music career. I don't mind if he stays in Korea, though, because his stuff, from Heartbreaker to One Of A Kind to Crayon, is amazingly fun and interesting (and varied). Michi Go is his new single and it's a bonkers mix of hip-hop and dubstep that nearly goes over the edge of craziness without turning into a complete mess. I hope there will be an accompanying music video, because that's where his music really comes to life. I'm aware this won't be to everyone's tastes (hell... sometimes I'm surprised that I like it!), but I'm thrilled to have new music from G-Dragon and can't wait for the upcoming EP.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download the track (in a very confusing way) here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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