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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Viktor And The Blood - Boys Are In The City

"Girls are looking pretty"

I've been following Viktor Norén's career with great interest for years now, first as part of Swedish rock band Sugarplum Fairy, then with his awesome solo project Viktorious and now with his new band, Viktor and the Blood. "The Blood's" music is a little more raw and rockier than a lot of what I post, but even when it's a bit out of my realm, Viktor's charisma really carries it through. There's a hint of old-school glam in the album's tracks as well, which is completely welcome. Second single Boys Are In The City is an excellent example of this. It's got that sorta sleazy stadium anthem sound written all over it, kind of like a mix between the Rolling Stones and Jet -- lots of power in both the production and vocals while still retaining a pop edge when it comes to the melody. Weirdly, with different production, it wouldn't sound out of place on one of Robbie Williams' first couple albums. High praise indeed!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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