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Monday, June 30, 2014

5 Seconds Of Summer - Long Way Home

"You know this is the way it's supposed to be"

So, I've been really enjoying the newly released 5 Seconds Of Summer album. It's a bit surprising, since I don't normally enjoy this type of teen punk/pop, but the fact that the guys wrote or cowrote almost anything gives the songs a lot of authenticity. I know music snobs will shout at me that there's nothing authentic about this kind of young, major-label band, but there are different kinds of authenticity. What I mean is that this actually sounds like teen music written by teens. And besides, I've never pretended that I'm into serious hipster indie music. I like pop with a capital "P." The bigger the chorus, the better. And these guys have a knack for churning them out. Take Long Way Home, for example. That chorus is melodically sticky, but is complemented be a second refrain that adds an extra punch. It's great stuff, and has a summery California vibe that's addictive.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



Anonymous Xolaya said...

Love it! I like simple melodies, with catchy chorus! Beautiful voices

7:53 PM  

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