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Tuesday, May 05, 2015

BTS - I Need U

I was so looking forward to BTS's comeback. They're one of my favorite current K-Pop groups out there. When I Need U was released last week, I was initially disappointed. I was really craving something more uptempo, along the lines of Danger or Hormone War. It was a case of expectations striking yet again. A week later, and I am so obsessed with this track. I absolutely love it. The moody music video (below) definitely played a part in that, but repeated listens also brought to light the fantastic production and melody, which had initially seemed too murky for my taste. I'm still looking forward to a big dance track from the guys (maybe later this year?), but as of now I think I've listened to this even more than Bigbang's new single.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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